Apr 20, 2009

100-days Ab Challenge

Day 1 begins!!! So I took on the challenge from Keith at CF Virtuosity:

Anyways, so the God of Thunder is trying to be less, "Thunderous" and drop a few, while gaining some more strength. I figure at least this way, it will keep me honest!!!! Stay tuned for the shenanigans that will ensue!

So Day 1 begins:

Egg salad
Cheese Stick

Various Lunch Meats and cheese

Pepperoni slices

Hamburger, no bun, cheddar cheese, bacon
3/4th cup steamed Broccoli
Side of Blue Cheese dressing


slamball 25# ball
sledgehammer swings on tire
= 4:03

3x3 weighted pull-ups (20# vest)
50 airsquats w/ weighted vest (20#)


Anonymous said...

Y'know what's funny? I was thinking as I was signing up for Keith's challenge "Justin is so gonna give me s*** for this." Glad to see you're in it too!

Looking forward to seeing YOUR blogging skillz.

Thanks for kickin' my ass (like usual) tonight.


Thor! said...

Remember, I just give you shit because I expect so much out of you... But we all need challenges right? My blogging skillz are weak (mainly because Im a lazy ass) but hopefully this will also get me blogging more.