Apr 21, 2009

Jack Ab attack

So at the suggestion of my good friend Thor, I too am joining the Crossfit Virtuosity "Abs Challenge". One of the fun things about Crossfit is that there is never short of some maniac out there (Keith) who feels compelled to share his suffering with the rest of the community. As with the Burpees Challenge, the Abs Challenge is definitely something that is going to be fun to attack and difficult to stay consistent with. LOL. But with summer coming up, it's a timely challenge.

I wonder if during the winter we'll have a "French Toast" Challenge? I'm so winning that shit.

So anyway...I'm doing this challenge because of 1-Positive peer pressure, 2-my goal is to increase my total strength so I can get the elusive 1000lb total, and increase my athletic performance so that I can be competitive for amateur boxing tournaments in 2010. 3-In my profession (acting), it can't hurt.

So here is what I ate on Day 1 and 2:

Day 1:
Breakfast-protein shake
Lunch-chicken and salad
Snack -protein bar
Early dinner-roast pork
Dinner; Franks with cheese and some greens

WOD-Heavy Deadlift. 315# 1x5. Pullups 3x7

Day 2
Breakfast-protein shake
Lunch-Franks with melted cheese and pickles
Snack-pepperoni and cheese
Dinner Baked chicken and greens


More to come.

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