May 27, 2008

Summer of Hell p.2

So today starts something I did last year that worked pretty damn well. I call it my Summer of Hell. Im about where I started out at last year, but have started already (although this past Memorial Day weekend was particularly nasty). Im going to take this next few months and just work like a banshee to get back my mojo. Im going to try some new things, ditch some old, and truly make this a bold damn summer. Lots of stuff to look forward to for the next few months, and Im jumping in head first. So nothing left else to say but welcome to my Summer of Hell part 2, care to join!?!?

So today I started with a version of the mothership WOD because I couldn't do some of the R'xd exercises. I had to hang out around the homestead today due to my 360 being delivered after catching the RROD. So my WOD today was:

Run 1 mile
Two minutes of each:
1 pood kb sdhp (31)
30 pound Dumbbell thruster (20)
30 pound Dumbell cleans (13)
Double-unders (30)
Push-ups (30)

Post total time and total reps plus calories (from row) to comments.

The clock runs continuously for the ten minutes after the run.

My total time was 18:43 (8:43 mile) with a total score of 124. The breakdown of score is in parenthesis above. This for some reason really kicked my ass. I think it was because today was probably the warmest/muggiest day of the year and I did it in the hottest part of the day. Took a while to recover, but after this weekend, I needed a good kick in the ass.

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