May 29, 2008

Pressing on...

So as the moment seems to be coming where my days at the box are numbered, its starting to become clearer that I need to really sit down and begin to program a little better. Right now its kind of a mish-mash of whatever WOD I can do or come up with something for that day. So in the near future, that will be something that I need to focus a bit more on.

So with all that being said, I did do the main site WOD last night and it was a little harder than I thought, as my shoulder was a tad achy for some reason. The WOD was:
Shoulder Press

My scores were 145-155-155(x1)-155(x1)-150(x2)-135(x5). Shoulder just wouldnt hold up after my first set of 155. Since I failed at the others, did a final set of five at 135. Presses can be so frustrating at times.

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